



Bug #5920


Custom Install: error loading script, Internal Lua error

Added by Angel Torres over 8 years ago. Updated over 8 years ago.

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Using the Custom install, i get the Error Loading Script - An internal Lua error occurred while trying to run the script /usr/local/share/dfuibe_lua/install/main.lua

This only happens with the Custom Install selecting defaults at each step and errors out right after selecting Standard Kernel. Quick/Easy Install boots to a working pfSense.

Can anyone else confirm this to rule out an issue with my system perhaps. Utilized a memstick and a LiveCD with identical results.


File_000.jpeg (3.36 MB) File_000.jpeg Angel Torres, 02/22/2016 01:11 PM
File_001.jpeg (3.18 MB) File_001.jpeg Angel Torres, 02/22/2016 01:11 PM
File_010.jpeg (1.83 MB) File_010.jpeg Angel Torres, 02/22/2016 09:01 PM
File_020.jpeg (1.4 MB) File_020.jpeg Angel Torres, 02/22/2016 09:01 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Chris Buechler over 8 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback

can't replicate. what kind of system is that on?

Actions #2

Updated by Angel Torres over 8 years ago

Using a desktop Dell Optiplex 755 SFF with a dual intel NIC. I have a similar system that i can test again on to rule out any motherboard or even hard drive issues with this box. Does the attached pictures give any hint as to what is the possible problem?

Actions #3

Updated by Jim Pingle over 8 years ago

What is the exact date and filename of the ISO you're attempting to install from?

There was a known issue with the custom install path last week that was fixed on Friday. So be sure to try a snapshot from today if you had an older one.

Actions #4

Updated by Angel Torres over 8 years ago

Was using a snap from early Friday, didnt see anything in the commits involving the installer so didnt update this morning. Will attempt again later tonight and update, sorry if this was redundant.

Actions #5

Updated by Jim Pingle over 8 years ago

The fix was to the bsdinstaller port in our ports repository so it wouldn't show in the main repo:

I suspect a new snap will fix the problem, let us know how the test turns out.

Actions #6

Updated by Renato Botelho over 8 years ago

Yeah, you probably have a bad snapshot, please try using most recent one

Actions #7

Updated by Angel Torres over 8 years ago

Ok, tried this on two different systems with the same symptoms on both. I attached a screenshot of the errors I'm getting with the latest/newest snapshot. On both systems after the installer finishes the setup and system reboots, I remove the install media and I'm getting the initial F1 prompt and the system reboots again in a loop. This happens on Custom Install and Quick/Easy.

These systems have 4GB of RAM each recognized in the BIOS, so the error stating less than 512MB RAM is strange.

Using the snapshot from last Friday utilizing Quick/Easy install like I mentioned above gets me a working system on both of my test boxes.

Actions #8

Updated by Renato Botelho over 8 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved

The problem originally reported in this ticket is gone. The issue you are seeing now looks like a hardware problem, but it's better to discuss it on forum and/or mailing lists


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