



Bug #1969


IPsec refuses connection after first Cisco Client connection

Added by c c over 12 years ago. Updated over 9 years ago.

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Full details etc in thread,41631.0.html

I have mobile IPsec set up, and Shrewsoft VPN client connects just fine. Cisco VPN client also connects and works perfectly, so long as it is the first VPN connection since a reboot. If it is not, it will "connect", but will refuse to route any traffic, and you will have no internet until you disconnect. It also appears that once a Cisco client has connected, Shrewsoft will behave similarly until a reboot.

Here are my settings:
My settings:

Using Mobile IPsec--
Providing a virtual IP and DNS

Phase 1 settings:
Interface: WAN
Auth Method: Mutual PSK + Xauth
Negotiation: Agressive
My identifier: My IP address
Peer identifier: UDN ()
preshared key: mypks
Policy Generation: on
Proposal checking: obey
Encryption: AES128, with MD5
DH key group 2
Nat Traversal enabled
DPD on, 5 seconds, 5 retries

Phase 2:
Mode: tunnel
Local network:
Protocol: ESP
Encryption: AES, 3des
Hash: md5
PFS off

pfSense is installed on testing hardware (a Dell Dimension desktop, intel chipsets etc), and has no access to anything sensitive, so if desired I can provide limited access to the web interface and to IPsec for testing.

Please let me know, as it would be wonderful if it could be a drop-in replacement for expensive Cisco gear, with no client changes required (especially as the Cisco client is particularly good).


Actions #1

Updated by c c over 12 years ago

I believe this to be the same issue as bug 1970, except that somehow the Cisco client is not disconnecting properly (or pfSense doesnt know how to interpret the disconnection).

Actions #2

Updated by Jim Pingle over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback

Worth trying again on a recent 2.1, and keep the recent edits to the recommending settings for mobile IPsec in mind from here:

Actions #3

Updated by c c about 11 years ago

I can confirm that this issue occurs with the 2.1 nightly as of 4/23/2013 with the latest Cisco VPN Ipsec client, using Strict / Unique / Force and all options as specified in

If proposal checking is set to "strict", I get

Apr 28 12:19:31    racoon: [Self]: INFO: respond new phase 1 negotiation: {Scrubbed}[500]<=>{Scrubbed}[50539]
Apr 28 12:19:31    racoon: INFO: begin Aggressive mode.
Apr 28 12:19:31    racoon: INFO: received Vendor ID: draft-ietf-ipsra-isakmp-xauth-06.txt
Apr 28 12:19:31    racoon: INFO: received Vendor ID: DPD
Apr 28 12:19:31    racoon: INFO: received broken Microsoft ID: FRAGMENTATION
Apr 28 12:19:31    racoon: INFO: received Vendor ID: draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike-02
Apr 28 12:19:31    racoon: INFO: received Vendor ID: CISCO-UNITY
Apr 28 12:19:31    racoon: [{Scrubbed}] INFO: Selected NAT-T version: draft-ietf-ipsec-nat-t-ike-02
Apr 28 12:19:31    racoon: ERROR: no suitable proposal found.
Apr 28 12:19:31    racoon: [{Scrubbed}] ERROR: failed to get valid proposal.
Apr 28 12:19:31    racoon: [{Scrubbed}] ERROR: failed to pre-process ph1 packet [Check Phase 1 settings, lifetime, algorithm] (side: 1, status 1).
Apr 28 12:19:31    racoon: [{Scrubbed}] ERROR: phase1 negotiation failed.

If it is set to "obey", the issue described (one correct connection, followed by all others failing) recurs with the following log:

Apr 28 12:24:29    racoon: [Self]: INFO: ISAKMP-SA established {SERVER_IP}[4500]-{CLIENT_IP}[59241] spi:7db617222bab00f1:2ca5d8efdb8a9a4a
Apr 28 12:24:29    racoon: INFO: Using port 0
Apr 28 12:24:29    racoon: user 'ipsectest' authenticated
Apr 28 12:24:29    racoon: INFO: login succeeded for user "ipsectest" 
Apr 28 12:24:29    racoon: WARNING: Ignored attribute INTERNAL_ADDRESS_EXPIRY
Apr 28 12:24:29    racoon: ERROR: Cannot open "/etc/motd" 
Apr 28 12:24:29    racoon: WARNING: Ignored attribute 28683
Apr 28 12:24:29    racoon: WARNING: Ignored attribute 28684
Apr 28 12:24:29    racoon: [Self]: INFO: respond new phase 2 negotiation: {SERVER_IP}[4500]<=>{CLIENT_IP}[59241]
Apr 28 12:24:29    racoon: INFO: Update the generated policy :[0][0] proto=any dir=in
{REPEATS X4}     Apr 28 12:24:29    racoon: ERROR: not matched      {REPEATS X4}
Apr 28 12:24:29    racoon: INFO: Adjusting my encmode UDP-Tunnel->Tunnel
Apr 28 12:24:29    racoon: INFO: Adjusting peer's encmode UDP-Tunnel(61443)->Tunnel(1)
Apr 28 12:24:29    racoon: WARNING: authtype mismatched: my:hmac-sha peer:hmac-md5
Apr 28 12:24:29    racoon: ERROR: not matched
Apr 28 12:24:29    racoon: INFO: Adjusting peer's encmode UDP-Tunnel(61443)->Tunnel(1)
Apr 28 12:24:29    racoon: [Self]: INFO: IPsec-SA established: ESP {SERVER_IP}[500]->{CLIENT_IP}[500] spi=38303437(0x24876cd)
Apr 28 12:24:29    racoon: [Self]: INFO: IPsec-SA established: ESP {SERVER_IP}[500]->{CLIENT_IP}[500] spi=3442386948(0xcd2ea804)
Apr 28 12:24:30    racoon: ERROR: no configuration found for {CLIENT_IP}.
Apr 28 12:24:30    racoon: ERROR: failed to begin ipsec sa negotication.
Apr 28 12:24:41    racoon: ERROR: no configuration found for {CLIENT_IP}.
Apr 28 12:24:41    racoon: ERROR: failed to begin ipsec sa negotication.
Apr 28 12:24:42    racoon: ERROR: no configuration found for {CLIENT_IP}.
{ad infinitum until disconnect}
{Disconnecting here}
Apr 28 12:29:30    racoon: [] ERROR: delete payload with invalid doi:0.
Apr 28 12:29:30    racoon: [Self]: INFO: ISAKMP-SA expired {SERVER_IP}[4500]-{CLIENT_IP}[59949] spi:38e4590885e9aa23:bcb3607bd17ead8e
Apr 28 12:29:30    racoon: INFO: deleting a generated policy.
Apr 28 12:29:30    racoon: [Self]: INFO: ISAKMP-SA deleted {SERVER_IP}[4500]-{CLIENT_IP}[59949] spi:38e4590885e9aa23:bcb3607bd17ead8e
Apr 28 12:29:30    racoon: INFO: Released port 0

The "warning: authtype mismatched" can be eliminated by switching to MD5, but it doesnt make a difference. Generating traffic triggers two more "error: failed... error: no config..." lines in the ipsec log.

I can do a packet capture on the IPSec interface of pfsense, and I can see incoming pings, and their destination:

12:52:18.793013 (authentic,confidential): SPI 0x083c9c1c: IP > {LAN_IP}: ICMP echo request, id 1, seq 1871, length 40
12:52:19.826520 (authentic,confidential): SPI 0x083c9c1c: IP > {LAN_IP}: ICMP echo request, id 1, seq 1872, length 40
12:52:21.329649 (authentic,confidential): SPI 0x083c9c1c: IP > {LAN_IP}: ICMP echo request, id 1, seq 1873, length 40
12:52:23.829947 (authentic,confidential): SPI 0x083c9c1c: IP > {LAN_IP2}: ICMP echo request, id 1, seq 1881, length 40
12:52:25.326576 (authentic,confidential): SPI 0x083c9c1c: IP > {LAN_IP2}: ICMP echo request, id 1, seq 1882, length 40

After I disconnect, and have cleared the ipsec log, this appears after a moment or two:

Apr 28 12:49:50    racoon: DEBUG: pk_recv: retry[0] recv()
Apr 28 12:49:50    racoon: DEBUG: got pfkey ACQUIRE message
Apr 28 12:49:50    racoon: DEBUG: suitable outbound SP found:[0][0] proto=any dir=out.
Apr 28 12:49:50    racoon: [Unknown Gateway/Dynamic]: DEBUG: sub:0xbfbfe728:[0][0] proto=any dir=in
Apr 28 12:49:50    racoon: [Unknown Gateway/Dynamic]: DEBUG: db :0x28501288: {LAN_SUBNET}/24[0] {LAN_IP}/32[0] proto=any dir=in
Apr 28 12:49:50    racoon: [Unknown Gateway/Dynamic]: DEBUG: sub:0xbfbfe728:[0][0] proto=any dir=in
Apr 28 12:49:50    racoon: [Unknown Gateway/Dynamic]: DEBUG: db :0x28501648: {LAN_IP}/32[0] {LAN_SUBNET}/24[0] proto=any dir=out
Apr 28 12:49:50    racoon: [Unknown Gateway/Dynamic]: DEBUG: sub:0xbfbfe728:[0][0] proto=any dir=in
Apr 28 12:49:50    racoon: [Unknown Gateway/Dynamic]: DEBUG: db :0x285013c8:[0][0] proto=any dir=in
Apr 28 12:49:50    racoon: [Unknown Gateway/Dynamic]: DEBUG: suitable inbound SP found:[0][0] proto=any dir=in.

Actions #4

Updated by Chris Buechler over 9 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved

these scenarios were fixed a while back for at least the significant majority. Any outstanding issue in racoon is no longer applicable since we use strongswan now in 2.2.


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