--- a/src/usr/local/www/nmap_scan.php +++ b/src/usr/local/www/nmap_scan.php @@ -0,0 +1,468 @@ + gettext('OpenVPN Server'), 'client' => gettext('OpenVPN Client')) as $mode => $mode_descr) { + if (is_array($config['openvpn']["openvpn-{$mode}"])) { + foreach ($config['openvpn']["openvpn-{$mode}"] as $id => $setting) { + if (!isset($setting['disable'])) { + $interfaces['ovpn' . substr($mode, 0, 1) . $setting['vpnid']] = $mode_descr . ": ".htmlspecialchars($setting['description']); + } + } + } +} + +$interfaces = array_merge($interfaces, interface_ipsec_vti_list_all()); +$interfaces = array_merge(array('' => 'Any'), $interfaces); + +$scan_types = array( + 'syn' => gettext('SYN'), + 'connect' => gettext('TCP connect()'), + 'icmp' => gettext('Ping'), + 'udp' => gettext('UDP'), + 'arp' => gettext('ARP (directly connected networks only!)') +); + +function nmap_get_running_process(){ + $processcheck = (trim(shell_exec("/bin/ps axw -O pid= | /usr/bin/grep '/usr/local/bin/nmap' | /usr/bin/grep '{$fn}' | /usr/bin/egrep -v '(pflog|grep)'"))); + return $processcheck; +} + +// only accept alphanumeric, spaces (040) and '.,-_' chars, and do not allow '-o? ' for output files +function valid_input($str) { + $valid_str = (preg_match('/^[a-z0-9\040\.,\-_]+$/i', $str) === 1) && (preg_match('/-o.\040/', $str) === 0); + //$valid_str = (preg_match('/^[a-z0-9\040\.,\-_]+$/i', $str) === 1) && (strpos($str, '-o') === false); + return $valid_str; +} + +$input_errors = array(); +$do_nmapscan = false; +if ($_POST) { + $hostname = $_POST['hostname']; + $interface = $_POST['interface']; + $scantype = $_POST['scantype']; + $noping = isset($_POST['noping']); + $servicever = isset($_POST['servicever']); + $osdetect = isset($_POST['osdetect']); + $custom_scantype = $_POST['custom_scantype']; + $custom_options = $_POST['custom_options']; + $custom_targetspecs = $_POST['custom_targetspecs']; + + if ($_POST['startbtn'] != "") { + $action = gettext("Start"); + + // check for input errors + if (empty($hostname)) { + $input_errors[] = gettext("You must enter an IP address to scan."); + } elseif (!(is_ipaddr($hostname) || is_subnet($hostname) || is_hostname($hostname))) { + $input_errors[] = gettext("You must enter a valid IP address to scan."); + } + + if(!empty($interface)) { + if (!array_key_exists($interface, $interfaces)) { + $input_errors[] = gettext("Invalid interface."); + } + } + + // process scan options + if (!count($input_errors)) { + + // prevent use of any deprecated option + $nmap_options = " -d"; + + if (is_ipaddrv6($hostname) || is_subnetv6($hostname)) { + $nmap_options .= " -6"; + } + + // scan type + if (empty($custom_scantype)) { + switch($scantype) { + case 'syn': + $nmap_options .= " -sS"; + break; + case 'connect': + $nmap_options .= " -sT"; + break; + case 'icmp': + $nmap_options .= " -sn"; // previously -sP + break; + case 'udp': + $nmap_options .= " -sU"; + break; + case 'arp': + $nmap_options .= " -sn -PR"; + break; + } + } elseif (valid_input($custom_scantype)) { + $nmap_options .= " " . $custom_scantype; + } else { + $input_errors[] = gettext("Invalid characters in Custom Scan Type. Only alphanumeric, spaces and '.,-_' chars are allowed. Custom output options -o are not allowed"); + } + + // scan options + if ($noping) { + $nmap_options .= " -P0"; + } + if ($servicever) { + $nmap_options .= " -sV"; + } + if ($osdetect) { + $nmap_options .= " -O"; + } + + if (!empty($custom_options)) { + if (valid_input($custom_options)) { + $nmap_options .= " " . $custom_options; + } else { + $input_errors[] = gettext("Invalid characters in custom options. Only alphanumeric, spaces and '.,-_' chars are allowed. Custom output options -o are not allowed"); + } + } + + // append summary output to results file (doesn't contain stderr) + // prevent using source stylesheets for xls output (not really needed) + $nmap_options .= " -oN {$fp}{$fn} --append-output --no-stylesheet"; + + if (!empty($interface)) { + $nmap_options .= " -e " . get_real_interface($interface); + } + + if (!empty($custom_targetspecs)) { + if (valid_input($custom_targetspecs)) { + $nmap_options .= " " . $custom_targetspecs; + } else { + $input_errors[] = gettext("Invalid characters in custom target options. Only alphanumeric, spaces and '.,-_' chars are allowed. Custom output options -o are not allowed"); + } + } + + $nmap_options .= " " . escapeshellarg($hostname); + + if (!count($input_errors)) { + $do_nmapscan = true; + } + } + } elseif ($_POST['stopbtn'] != "") { + $action = gettext("Stop"); + + /* check if nmap scan is already running */ + $processes_running = nmap_get_running_process(); + $processisrunning = ($processes_running != ""); + + //explode processes into an array, (delimiter is new line) + $processes_running_array = explode("\n", $processes_running); + + if ($processisrunning != true) { + $input_errors[] = gettext("Process nmap already completed. Check results below."); + } else { + //kill each of the nmap processes + foreach ($processes_running_array as $process) { + $process_id_pos = strpos($process, ' '); + $process_id = substr($process, 0, $process_id_pos); + exec("kill $process_id"); + } + } + } elseif ($_POST['viewbtn'] != "" or $_POST['refreshbtn'] != "") { + $action = gettext("View"); + } elseif ($_POST['downloadbtn'] != "") { + $action = gettext("Download"); + //download file + send_user_download('file', $fp.$fn); + } elseif ($_POST['clearbtn'] != "") { + $action = gettext("Delete"); + //delete previous nmap results file if it exists + unlink_if_exists($fp.$fn); + unlink_if_exists($fp.$fe); + } +} + +$pgtitle = array("Package", "Diagnostics: Nmap"); +include("head.inc"); + +/* +$tab_array = array(); +$tab_array[] = array(gettext("Nmap Scan"), true, "/nmap_scan.php"); +display_top_tabs($tab_array); +*/ + +if ($input_errors) { + print_input_errors($input_errors); +} + +$form = new Form(false); // No button yet. We add those later depending on the required action + +$section = new Form_Section('General Options'); + +$section->addInput(new Form_Input( + 'hostname', + '*IP or Hostname', + 'text', + $hostname +))->setHelp('Enter the IP address or hostname that you would like to scan.'); + +$section->addInput(new Form_Select( + 'interface', + 'Interface', + $interface, + $interfaces +))->setHelp('Select the source interface here.'); + +$section->addInput(new Form_Select( + 'scantype', + '*Scan Type', + $scantype, + $scan_types +))->setHelp('Select the scan type'); + +$section->addInput(new Form_Checkbox( + 'noping', + '-P0', + 'Do not attempt to ping hosts before scanning', + $_POST['noping'] +))->setHelp('Allow scanning of networks that do not answer echo requests.%1$s' . + '%2$smicrosoft.com is an example of such a network, and thus you should always use -P0 or -PT80 when port scanning microsoft.com.%3$s' . + 'Note the "ping" in this context may involve more than the traditional ICMP echo request packet. Nmap supports many such probes, including arbitrary combinations of TCP, UDP, and ICMP probes.%3$s' . + 'By default, Nmap sends an ICMP echo request and a TCP ACK packet to port 80.%4$s', + + '
', + '

', + '
', + '

'); + +$section->addInput(new Form_Checkbox( + 'servicever', + '-sV', + 'Attempt to identify service versions', + $_POST['servicever'] +))->setHelp('Try to detect services running on discoverd ports.%1$s' . + '%2$sAfter TCP and/or UDP ports are discovered using one of the other scan types, version detection communicates with those ports to try and determine more about what is actually running.%3$s' . + 'A file called nmap-service-probes is used to determine the best probes for detecting various services and the match strings to expect.%3$s' . + 'Nmap tries to determine the service protocol (e.g. ftp, ssh, telnet, http), the application name (e.g. ISC Bind, Apache httpd, Solaris telnetd), ' . + 'the version number, and sometimes miscellaneous details like whether an X server is open to connections or the SSH protocol version).%4$s', + + '
', + '

', + '
', + '

'); + +$section->addInput(new Form_Checkbox( + 'osdetect', + '-O', + 'Enable Operating System detection', + $_POST['osdetect'] +))->setHelp('Try to identify remote host via TCP/IP fingerprinting.%1$s' . + '%2$sIn other words, it uses techniques to detect subtleties in the underlying operating system network stack of the computers being scanned.%3$s' . + 'It uses this information to create a "fingerprint" which it compares with its database of known OS fingerprints' . + '(the nmap-os-fingerprints file) to determine the operating system of the target host.%4$s', + + '
', + '

', + '
', + '

'); + +$section->addInput(new Form_Input( + 'custom_scantype', + 'Custom Scan Type', + 'text', + $custom_scantype +))->setHelp('Enter a custom Scan Type. It will override above selected Scan Type.%1$s' . + '%2$sExp: -sA -sW -sFs%3$s', + + '
', + '

', + '

'); + +$section->addInput(new Form_Input( + 'custom_options', + 'Custom Options', + 'text', + $custom_options +))->setHelp('Enter extra scan options.%1$s' . + '%2$sExp: --traceroute --dns-servers server1 -p %3$s', + + '
', + '

', + '

'); + +$section->addInput(new Form_Input( + 'custom_targetspecs', + 'Custom Target Specs', + 'text', + $custom_targetspecs +))->setHelp('Enter additional hosts or extra target options.%1$s' . + '%2$sExp: ip hostname --exclude host1,host2 -iR %3$s', + + '
', + '

', + '

'); + +$form->add($section); + +/* check if nmap scan is already running */ +$processes_running = nmap_get_running_process(); +$processisrunning = ($processes_running != ""); + +if ($processisrunning or $do_nmapscan) { + $form->addGlobal(new Form_Button( + 'stopbtn', + 'Stop', + null, + 'fa-stop-circle' + ))->addClass('btn-warning'); + + $form->addGlobal(new Form_Button( + 'refreshbtn', + 'Refresh Results', + null, + 'fa-retweet' + ))->addClass('btn-primary'); +} else { + $form->addGlobal(new Form_Button( + 'startbtn', + 'Start', + null, + 'fa-play-circle' + ))->addClass('btn-success'); + + if (file_exists($fp.$fn) or file_exists($fp.$fe)) { + $form->addGlobal(new Form_Button( + 'viewbtn', + 'View Results', + null, + 'fa-file-text-o' + ))->addClass('btn-primary'); + + $form->addGlobal(new Form_Button( + 'downloadbtn', + 'Download Results', + null, + 'fa-download' + ))->addClass('btn-primary'); + + $form->addGlobal(new Form_Button( + 'clearbtn', + 'Clear Results', + null, + 'fa-trash' + ))->addClass('btn-danger'); + } +} + +if (file_exists($fp.$fn)) { + $section->addInput(new Form_StaticText( + 'Last scan results', + date("F jS, Y g:i:s a.", filemtime($fp.$fn)) + )); +} + +if (file_exists($fp.$fe) and filesize($fp.$fe) > 0) { + $section->addInput(new Form_StaticText( + 'Last scan error', + date("F jS, Y g:i:s a.", filemtime($fp.$fe)) + )); +} + +print($form); + +if ($do_nmapscan) { + $cmd = "/usr/local/bin/nmap {$nmap_options} >/dev/null 2>{$fp}{$fe} &"; + exec($cmd); + print_info_box(gettext('Nmap scan is running' . '
' . 'Press info button to show command'), 'info'); + ?> +
+ +
+ 0) { +?> + +

+'); + if (filesize($fp.$fe) > $max_display_size) { + print(gettext("Nmap scan error file is too large to display in the GUI.") . + "\n" . + gettext("Download the file, or view it in the console or ssh shell.") . + "\n" . + gettext("Error file: {$fp}{$fe}")); + } else { + print(file_get_contents($fp.$fe)); + } + print(''); + +?> +
+ + +

+'); + if (file_exists($fp.$fn) and (filesize($fp.$fn) > $max_display_size)) { + print(gettext("Nmap scan results file is too large to display in the GUI.") . + "\n" . + gettext("Download the file, or view it in the console or ssh shell.") . + "\n" . + gettext("Results file: {$fp}{$fn}")); + } elseif (!file_exists($fp.$fn) || (filesize($fp.$fn) === 0)) { + print(gettext("No nmap scan results to display.")); + } else { + print(file_get_contents($fp.$fn)); + } + print(''); + +?> +