Feature #11956
"add" button in the top of pages with many user-added items
In Interfaces > Assignments | VLANs, Firewall > Aliases | NAT | Rules | Virtual IPs, it's possible to add the "Add" button in the top of the page?
I have many items so I need to scroll before "Add". It's tiring when I add several items at once.
I have given some examples of pages, but my request applies to all pages where there may be many items added by the user.
Yes, I know the "end" key of my keyboard, but its location on some laptop keyboard is unpleasant.
In addition, team leaders don't care about this tech detail, they just want to click, click, and click again (user-firendly). How do you convince them to use pfSense when other firewalls interface have these kinds of little details they like?
This feature request enlarges feature #10290 / https://redmine.pfsense.org/issues/10290 .