Feature #13708
openApprise - Huge variety of notification methods in a single package
Apprise -
One notification library to rule them all.
A common and intuitive notification syntax.
Supports the handling of images and attachments (to the notification services that will accept them).
It's incredibly lightweight.
Amazing response times because all messages sent asynchronously.
Adding this as a new package would offer huge flexibility in terms of which notification provider individuals can choose to use and it would also mean pfSense devs wouldn't have to maintain providers individually in the way they are currently.
A few comments from an admin on the forum where I mentioned it (stephenw10) -
Looks like apprise is written in Python. It also looks like people have run it in FreeBSD but I don't see a FreeBSD port for it which would make it far easier to create a package from.
There would also be some PHP work to integrate it with pfSense.
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