Feature #15163
openAdd “WOL GROUPING” in “Services / Wake-on-LAN”
Hi, brilliant pfSense stuff!
Please add ability to grouping in Wake-on-LAN service “*Services / Wake-on-LAN*”.
Because pfSense more and more oriented on middle-size customers THIS HELP FW ADMINS to management lan devices MORE EASY: ONE CLICK ON A GROUP - AND 5…50…100 DEVICES WAKE-UP.
Updated by Sergei Shablovsky 11 months ago
Sergei Shablovsky wrote:
Hi, brilliant pfSense stuff!
Please add ability to grouping in Wake-on-LAN service “*Services / Wake-on-LAN*”.
Because pfSense more and more oriented on middle-size customers THIS HELP FW ADMINS to management lan devices MORE EASY: ONE CLICK ON A GROUP - AND 5…50…100 DEVICES WAKE-UP.
For example the way of solution (just draft):
Add “Add to group” input/drop down list element to allow user to ENTER THE NEW GROUP NAME or CHOISE FROM EXISTING ONE.
If group name field are empty and “Save” button pressed (or “Enter” hit on keyboard),- device would be added to “Ungrouped Devices” group AUTOMATICALLY.
All devices groups are exactly looks like “Wake-on-LAN Devices” that already used now.
Please ADD SPACE between EDIT - DELETE - WAKE DSVICE icons-buttons in “Action” columns.