Todo #15277
openAllow mixed source (URL (IPs), URL Table (IPs), Host(s) and Network(s) IN OND ALIAS
Dear Brilliant pfSense DevTeam!
in Firewall / Aliases
From firewall and user perspective there are two possible aliases:
- aliases for ports;
- aliases for IPs;
and pfSense make ability to entering both MANUALLY or AUTOMATICALLY by parsing the source (in PLAIN TXT, XML, JSON) himself.
And pfSense have WebGUI for entering this both.
From user perspective THE ALIASES ARE LOGICAL OBJECT TO GROUPING the IPs and ports.
FROM USER PERSPECTIVE would be useful mixed source of one type (for example URL (IPs), URL Table (IPs), Host(s) and Network(s) IN ONE ALIAS.
The same for Port(s), URL Port(s) and URL Table (Ports) - also IN ONE ALIAS.
Most external monitoring SaaS and servers/appliances manufacturers provide their services in a mixed form: FQDN + fixed IPs + fixed ports.
And if for ports LOGICALLY RIGHT to aggregate ports numbers in ONE ALIAS (for example StatusCake_PORT_MONITORING), for URLs would be also LOGICALLY RIGHT to aggregate IPs into ONE ALIAS (for example StatusCake_IP_MONITORING).
Page with example
Otherwise pfSense user need to create 3(three!!!) separate aliases (URL (IPs), URL Table (IPs), Host(s)) for one service and after make + ANOTHER ONE alias for aggregating all 3(three) sources into one to using in pfSense firewall rules…
This significantly increase ability to mistyping/errors in process of rules configurations.
Thank You so much!
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