Todo #5279
Package installation GUI updates
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Recent changes to the package system require the GUI is updated to match.
pkg_install.php will now start the installation process in the background and make AJAX calls to read the installation log file.
A similar system will be used to get the progress status to drive the indicator.
Updated by Anonymous over 9 years ago
The package installation system has been updated such that:
- The installer is run in the background so that the GUI remains responsive
- The GUI polls for status/progress via AJAX
- The progress bar works correctly, obtaining its information from the installer JSON output
- The exit status of each step is indicated by "Success" or "Failure" in the text window
- A banner is displayed showing "Wait", "Success" and "failed" (paraphrasing). THe background color is changed to match the message.
- Handle page reloads and catch some of the less obvious errors.
- Combine the pfSense-upgrade and scripts
See #5291 for gif demo
Updated by Anonymous over 9 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Resolved
Scripts combined and reloads handled.