

Kris Phillips

  • Login: kphillips
  • Registered on: 05/11/2020
  • Last connection: 06/12/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 36 101 137


Project Roles Registered on
Bootstrap Reporter 05/11/2020
pfSense Docs Developer, Reporter 05/11/2020
pfSense Packages Developer, Reporter 05/11/2020



01:17 AM pfSense Feature #11901: Add MAP-T/MAP-E support to pfSense
Many components of MAP-E are in FreeBSD now. See for an example: Kris Phillips
01:12 AM pfSense Feature #15371: Add MAP-E support
This should be closed as a duplicate and comments added to the original redmine. Creating duplicates intentionally i... Kris Phillips


12:46 AM pfSense Packages Feature #15548 (Confirmed): Add packages for Zabbix 7.0 Agent and Proxy
Confirmed not available in 24.03 or 24.08. Kris Phillips
12:36 AM pfSense Packages Bug #15529: The path on the AWS High Availability page doesen't show the current tab
Also confirmed on 24.03. Kris Phillips


01:30 AM pfSense Docs Todo #15497: Add a bit more context to Gateway monitoring Action
If the gateway monitoring action is disabled, but it's still being monitored, the gateway won't be changed from up to... Kris Phillips
01:21 AM pfSense Packages Bug #15313: Zabbix server 6.4.12 requires Zabbix proxies to be version 6.4.12
Checked in 24.03 release. Zabbix is still at 6.4.10. Kris Phillips
01:12 AM pfSense Plus Bug #15418: Incorrect links to edit static mapping and WOL on DHCPv6 leases (status_dhcpv6_leases.php). URL parameter values missing.
This should be marked as Incomplete until more information can be provided on how this is reproduced. I don't see a ... Kris Phillips


06:05 PM pfSense Docs Todo #15526 (New): Add CLI Commands for Boot Environments to Documentation
There are some situations of disk space exhaustion where the webConfigurator will crash or be unresponsive. Being ab... Kris Phillips
02:42 AM pfSense Plus Bug #14968: Google LDAP fail to bind
Customer in ticket 2768927031 running into this issue. Kris Phillips


01:43 AM pfSense Feature #15464: Allow Installer to install CE even if NDI detects as Plus
This is a confirmed issue. I believe this will be resolved in the next version of the installer. Kris Phillips

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