

Jeremy  99

  • Login: piz0t
  • Registered on: 05/18/2015
  • Last connection: 05/14/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 3 6 9



08:03 PM pfSense Packages Todo #15484: Show more characters of the Description column in the WireGuard peer tables
Also, if you must truncate the Description cells, then when I hover over a truncated Description cell, it should show... Jeremy  99
07:41 PM pfSense Packages Todo #15484 (New): Show more characters of the Description column in the WireGuard peer tables
When viewing the table of WireGuard peers, some columns are truncated to make them all fit. I think the most importa... Jeremy  99
08:00 PM pfSense Packages Todo #15485 (New): Usability and consistency of the WireGuard peer tables
Suggestions to make the WireGuard Peer tables a bit more usable:
1) Make the tables sortable. I have 30 Peers and...
Jeremy  99


11:55 AM pfSense Bug #9506: Dynamic DNS update notification sent even if IP address didn't change
I also have this same problem with 2.4.4-RELEASE-p2. I see other people have reported this issue over the years too:
Jeremy  99


10:23 AM pfSense Packages Bug #10673 (Rejected): Avahi interface list is missing interfaces
In avahi_settings.php, there is a list of network interfaces. Mine shows LAN, DMZ, WAN2. The list is missing my "WA... Jeremy  99


06:38 PM pfSense Bug #10343 (Rejected): unbound crashes repeatedly when using acme plugin
I had a working pfSense for a long time. Today, I installed and configured the acme package to generate a LetsEncryp... Jeremy  99


10:13 PM pfSense Packages Todo #9200: Add DNS support for Google domain to Acme manager
Google Domains currently does not have any API that allows DNS records to be managed programmatically, so no ACME cli... Jeremy  99


09:16 PM pfSense Bug #8535 (Duplicate): SMTP fails to work with STARTTLS and TLS
1) I read on the pfSense forums that the new Pear-Mail should automatically use STARTTLS if the server off...
Jeremy  99


10:23 AM pfSense Bug #8522 (Resolved): SMTP test says success when actually fails
When I clicked the "Test SMTP Settings" button, I got a green message "SMTP testing e-mail successfully sent" b...
Jeremy  99
09:30 AM pfSense Bug #8521 (Rejected): Fails to get WAN IP after rebooting for update
On one of my remote pfSense boxes, I saw an update was available. I clicked the update button in the GUI. The GUI s... Jeremy  99

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