

dylan mendez

  • Login: dmendez
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  • Registered on: 08/03/2023
  • Last connection: 02/28/2024


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Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 2 3



04:34 AM pfSense Feature #15550: Support using aliases/macros for sources when creating a block rule with ``easyrule`` in the CLI
I can replicate this on 24.03.
Documentation indicates an alias should work.
dylan mendez


10:06 PM pfSense Bug #15098: Wireguard crashes on boot if PPPoE is the default gateway
Tested in 2.7.2
single WAN with PPPoE Gateway and a Wireguard Tunnel.
Tunnel came up without issues, PPPoE sess...
dylan mendez


04:46 PM pfSense Bug #15531: VLANs not cleared in console configuration despite warning
I can replicate this, when doing changes on the console without using the GUI and restarting, it keeps asking to conf... dylan mendez


12:00 AM pfSense Bug #15411: Hostname missing from logs in certain cases can cause the system log to display in an unexpected manner
Had a customer encounter this, restarting firewall and syslogd didn't do it. Changing the lines from 2000 to 500 seem... dylan mendez


04:04 PM pfSense Docs New Content #15475 (New): Connect to console index page on ddocs
Create a "Connect to console" index page with instructions for all Netgate models and add it to the Net Installer page. dylan mendez


01:10 AM pfSense Bug #15434: DNS Forwarder ignores "Use remote DNS Servers, ignore local DNS" setting
This patch seems to work, however, I had to manually re-save the config on the General Setup page for the changes to ... dylan mendez


10:36 PM pfSense Packages Bug #15419: pfBlockerNG - Issue with Adding or Changing Ipv4 Addresses
I can replicate this easily on version 24.03 release. dylan mendez


01:28 AM pfSense Bug #15384: Reordering IPsec Phase 2 entries may result in a malformed configuration
Confirmed on 2.7.2 change fixes the problem. dylan mendez


07:14 PM pfSense Bug #14942: DNS Resolver host overrides ignore all aliases if first entry has a domain set but no hostname
Can confirm the patch is working correctly on 23.09.1 dylan mendez


03:05 AM pfSense Packages Regression #15158: XMLRPC Timeout won't save if over 150
I was able to replicate this on 24.03.b.20240311.0600, pfBlockerNG 3.2.0_8 dylan mendez

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