Bug #10481
Update doc links in WebGUI to reflect proper docs URLs
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Attached is a list of updates that need to take place.
The list is not comprehensive (and some have been updated already from previous redmine entries submitted), although it is a good start.
Updated by Jim Pingle almost 5 years ago
- Category set to Web Interface
- Status changed from New to Duplicate
The help links are already covered under #10135
There are only two non-book non-help links in the code, and that's because there is no direct equivalent to that page in the book (yet):
$ grep -r * | egrep -v '(help.php|book)' src/usr/local/www/status_logs_filter.php:print_info_box('<a href="">' . src/usr/local/www/status_logs_filter_dynamic.php: print_info_box('<a href="">' .
Updated by Jim Pingle over 4 years ago
- Subject changed from Update infoblocks in WebGUI to reflect The pfSense Book links, rather than the community maintained docs to Update doc links in WebGUI to reflect proper docs URLs
- Status changed from Duplicate to Resolved
- Assignee set to Jim Pingle
- Target version set to 2.5.0
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Reusing this, see #10135, same intent.