Feature #10841
openAllow per Source/VLAN/Network individual black&whitelists
In corporate environments one needs to set individual black & whitelists per source (IP,network,vlan).
Finance: full access, just a few whitelists for domains, that pfblocker-ng blocks
R&D: no access, just a few whitelist-hosts (google.com,gitlab.com....) in general that are allowed by pfblocker-ng.
This would be a nice feature.
thank you.
Updated by Viktor Gurov over 4 years ago
can be realized with "views": https://forum.netgate.com/topic/129365/bypassing-dnsbl-for-specific-ips
Updated by Stefan Bauer over 4 years ago
Viktor Gurov wrote:
can be realized with "views": https://forum.netgate.com/topic/129365/bypassing-dnsbl-for-specific-ips
Only works very limited.
Please include this feature in the GUI. Current downsides:
- A reload/restart of service breaks the manual settings.
- One has to manually edit files in filesystem.
- in more complex situations - like in my first post - it requires several files to be able to bypass RBL, but only allow whitelisted domains. Could not get it to work at all.
thank you.