Feature #12120
openPermit several sets of destination DHCP servers in DHCP relay
At this time, pfSense's DHCP relay allows a unique set of one or more target DHCP servers associated to a list of network interfaces.
Can we imagine several sets of DHCP servers associated to several sets of VLANs?
Use case? For VLAN xxxx, the DHCP servers are "IP A" and "IP B" (our IPBX). For the other VLANs, target DHCP servers are "IP C" and "IP D". Why? The IPBX vendor's technical support only wants to use our IPBX as DHCP servers (warranty exclusion). Of course, select our voice VLAN in pfSense's DHCP relay and add our IPBX's addresses as destination DHCP servers works, but it's not safe / satisfactory (all the DHCP requests are forwarded to our internal DHCP servers + to our IPBX).
My idea to implement this: run multiple instances of dhcrelay. Example: "dhcrelay -id lagg0.146 server1 server2" + "dhcrelay -id lagg0.123 -id lagg0.12 -id lagg0.666 -id lagg0.456 -id lagg0.4 […] -id lagg0.42 server3 server4".
Updated by Anonymous over 3 years ago
Mistake in the title: desintation => destination. Sorry.
Updated by Christian McDonald over 3 years ago
- Subject changed from Permit several sets of desintation DHCP servers in DHCP relay to Permit several sets of destination DHCP servers in DHCP relay
Updated by Christian McDonald over 3 years ago
Requests are forwarded to all servers already. So if server A has a scope for the PBX subnet, and server B has a scope for another subnet, configure DHCP Relay to relay traffic to both servers. Only the correct server will respond...just make sure both servers aren't configured with the same scopes.