Bug #12123
closed2.5.2 Ipsec Tunnel Status Dashboard Widget - Count of active tunnels, and Inactive tunnels is wrong
since the upgrade, the widget seems to mis-count the tunnel status. I have over 30 active tunnels however this is showing as 3 phase 1s, with the first one merging basically every tunnel into one tunnel.
Related issues
Updated by Alex Nilsson over 3 years ago
- File PFSense-Ipsec Status.PNG PFSense-Ipsec Status.PNG added
- File PFSense-Ipsec-Dashboard-Overview.PNG PFSense-Ipsec-Dashboard-Overview.PNG added
- File PFSense-Ipsec-Dashboard-Tunnels.PNG PFSense-Ipsec-Dashboard-Tunnels.PNG added
Eddy Cho wrote:
since the upgrade, the widget seems to mis-count the tunnel status. I have over 30 active tunnels however this is showing as 3 phase 1s, with the first one merging basically every tunnel into one tunnel.
I've just updated to 2.5.2 this morning and also seeing this same behaviour.
To Add a little further detail.
I have 46 IPSEC Tunnels.
In the dashboard Widget I see 1 active tunnel, 0 Inactive
The Dashboard Tunnels section also appears to have merged all VPN's into the single entry
In Status > Ipsec I can see 46 Connected Tunnels and 17 disconnected.
upon further inspection there are duplicate entries for existing VPN names however the IP Addresses and P2 IP's match the sites that are showing disconnected.
Data is passing correctly over the VPN's so this appears to be a visual issue only but it makes spotting a down tunnel impossible by the UI.
Updated by Jim Pingle over 3 years ago
- Category changed from Upgrade to IPsec
- Status changed from New to Duplicate
Already covered by #11910
Updated by Jim Pingle over 3 years ago
- Is duplicate of Regression #11910: IPsec status tunnel descriptions are incorrect added