



Bug #12864


Interface mismatch after upgrade to 2.6.0, possibly due to old VLANs

Added by Jernej Simončič over 2 years ago. Updated over 2 years ago.

Not a Bug
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I migrated my pfSense config from a different computer around version 2.4.5. The old one had bge and em NICs, and I had a few VLANs bound to em0. New computer has igb NICs, those same VLANs are now bound to igb1.

2.4.5 → 2.5.2 upgrade went without problems, but after upgrading to 2.6.0, I got Interface mismatch at boot. I reassigned VLANs and interfaces, and pfSense seemed to work fine, but then I did a simple reboot, and got Interface mismatch again. That's when I figured out that the config file still has references to em0 VLANs (they're also visible in Interfaces/VLANs). I'll try removing the VLANs later and reboot again later.

Actions #1

Updated by Jim Pingle over 2 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Not a Bug

It's not a bug, it's intended behavior, see #12170

You had leftover configuration in your VLANs that referenced the interface that was no longer present. It was always a failure condition, but it wasn't properly validated until now.

Actions #2

Updated by Jernej Simončič over 2 years ago

Still, I'd expect if I set up new interface assignments at bootup, and then reboot the router, for pfSense to reboot successfully, instead of aborting without bringing up network; also, when assigning VLANs during bootup, you get a warning (which you have to confirm to continue) that all existing VLAN assignments will be deleted – this obviously isn't happening, so either that message is redundant, or pfSense isn't properly clearing VLAN assignments.


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