Feature #13658
openAutofill Mask (Prefix-Length) Drop-Down if IP-Adress Field ends with /XX
Currently (V2.6.0 pfsense CE) It is a bit tedious to enter IP adresses with
known netmask.
You have to enter the address in a field and then chose the right mask/prefix length from a drop down window.
It would be a great help if CIDR-Notation of a IP-Address would be accepted from the input field for the address.
If I enter in an IP address field
Address: [] /[ ]
Address: [] /[24]
to put it in other words:
The mask-part of the address in CIDR-Notation will be transferred to the drop down menu.
This makes Copy&Paste from other systems much easier.
Updated by Jim Pingle about 2 years ago
Interesting idea but I'm not sure how viable it will be, especially on large forms like aliases.
In most OS/browsers it's actually much easier than you describe. Just enter the IP address then <tab>
and type the number out and the browser will pick the right number from the drop-down field.