Feature #13768
openAdd Gatway Descriptions to the Gateways Widget
When you use this widget you can see the interface name and the IP address of the interface.
I would also like to see the gateway description, this could be by enabling it in the widget options.
I have set up 10 OpenVPN connections, assigned them to an interface and then they present as a Gateway which means I have a lot of gateways.
I currently have all of the OpenVPN/Interfaces/Gateways named using information about their GEO-Location etc.. (Germany/Frane/Poland)
If i now want to change one of the OpenVPNs for a different country I have to change all of the references (OpenVPN/Interfaces/Gateways) to it which can be trick especially when Gateways cannot be renamed.
I can use a generic name for a gateway and just change it's descriptions and interface as required rather than renaming it. So by having the description visible on the widget I can see what country that connection is using and update as required without a lot of work.
No data to display