



Bug #14552


No Site-to-Site VPN after upgrading CE from 2.6.0 to 2.7.0

Added by Michael Schefczyk 12 months ago. Updated 12 months ago.

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A long-standing configuration in CE 2.6.0 should survive an update to 2.7.0. A growing number of users is reporting the problem I am experiencing, cf.

In my view, a common configuration not surviving an update should be considered a bug. Please kindly consider to not close this as "not a bug" but merely a configuration error.

After upgrading from CE 2.6.0 to 2.7.0, OpenVPN site-to-site does stop working.

My situation is a two-location SOHO with pfSense on Supermicro hardware, with 2 WAN connections per location, with fixed IPs and IPv4 with NAT and LAGG on the LAN side. There are two routers per location set up as a high-availability router based on CARP.
For 10 years, this setup did serve me well for a site to site VPN:
A variant with no OSPF and remote networks provided did also work. Also a single WAN site-to-site with the server running on localhost and NAT port forwarding to localhost did work well. I am using manual outbound NAT, switching to hybrid does not change any of the issues below.
After upgrading from CD 2.6.0 to 2.7.0 I did not regain full performance of the site-to-site VPN:

The best result I can get is that Diagnostics -> Ping on each firewall can ping all devices in the respective other LAN. Telephones using udp SIP can also log in through the tunnel. ICPM and TCP traffic will not flow.

The following measures do not make a difference:
- IPv4 Remote network(s) empty vs. populated
- remote network included in IPv4 Local network(s) or not
- Client specific override with IPv4 Remote Network/s depeding on the certificate CN or not
- Adding an OpenVPN interface and setting a static route or not.

Related issues

Is duplicate of Bug #14541: No Site-to-Site VPN after upgrading CE from 2.6.0 to 2.7.0Not a Bug

Actions #1

Updated by Jim Pingle 12 months ago

  • Status changed from New to Duplicate

Please do not open duplicate issues. Keep the discussion on the forum and if there is a proven bug and not a configuration issue, then the original can be reopened.

We cannot be responsible for making sure every possible variation of OpenVPN works across every version/upgrade, especially when OpenVPN itself changes and deprecates functions/features or changes how things work. Many users have working OpenVPN tunnels on 2.7.0 and current Plus versions that have been upgraded and working for years, it's highly unlikely to be a bug, but something in your setup that isn't correct or needs adjusted to compensate for OpenVPN changes. This is not the place to track that down, that is what the forum is for.

Be sure to post complete settings for all nodes involved, not just general description of the setup.

Actions #2

Updated by Jim Pingle 12 months ago

  • Is duplicate of Bug #14541: No Site-to-Site VPN after upgrading CE from 2.6.0 to 2.7.0 added

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