Bug #14668
openFRR BGP route is not making into kernel route table after WireGuard's peer change is applied
I was able to reproduce this behavior in clear PfSense 2.7 setup with frr 1.3_1 and WireGuard 0.2.0_2, not sure which package is guilty.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a WireGuard tunnel between two PfSense and configure BGP to use WireGuard's interface addresses as neighbors
2. Make sure there are correct routes from BGP in kernel routes
3. Make any change in WireGuard tunnel (or peer) and apply change - the route disappears from kernel route table
4. The route is never making it into kernel unless there is an advertisement update from neighbor or service restart
Updated by Mike Moore over 1 year ago
Ive ran into a similar issue as well. The routes will appear in FRR but you check the pfsense route table the routes are never there.
Usually a 'clear ip bgp neighbor x.x.x.x" does the trick but this is to intrusive if this is a production peer.
Updated by yon Liu over 1 year ago
please upgrade pf23.09 and frr 8.5.2 for test
Updated by Oleksii Tucha about 1 year ago
updated to CE 2.7.1, FRR 2.0.2, WireGuard 0.2.1 - the issue is still persist.
Updated by Oleksii Tucha about 1 year ago
CE 2.7.2, FRR 2.0.2_1 (frr9-9.0.2), WireGuard 0.2.1 - still the same.