



Feature #14907


DNS Resolution on Diagnostics > States Summary

Added by Wolfgang Thegreat 8 months ago. Updated 8 months ago.

Very Low
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In version 2.7.0, the page of Diagnostics > States Summary shows numeric IPs, which are sometimes hard to understand / remember their meaning, so I ask to have a checkbox at this page to add their matching name next to the numeric IP value - either, as first option, their local pfSense alias name and if non exists, then do a reverse DNS lookup to find their DNS name.

Thank you.

Actions #1

Updated by Jim Pingle 8 months ago

  • Subject changed from Feature request - Add names for IPs at Diagnostics > States Summary to DNS Resolution on Diagnostics > States Summary
  • Priority changed from Normal to Very Low

Unfortunately the checkbox method isn't feasible. The contents of the state table page can be enormous and it isn't scalable to perform any kind of automated DNS resolution on the contents.

We might be able to use a similar method to the firewall logs where it resolves names one at a time via JavaScript, but that may not also scale sufficiently since even adding the icon/control/code to do that may degrade the performance of the page too much when the state table is large.

Actions #2

Updated by Wolfgang Thegreat 8 months ago

Thank you Jim for the reply.

I see your point about performance issues, but I guess you do not have to do it to the whole content, but only to the visible part that the user sees, especially if have/plan pagination.

Also, translation of already existing alias objects, should be easier and faster, as it is a data that already resides inside the device.

A checkbox can be in translation disable mode by default, and those who have only small-medium amount of content, can enable it and enjoy a better understanding of the numeric IPs they see. It is not practical to get meaning out of only numeric IPs, especially if a filter feature exists / will be added to the relevant pages.


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