Bug #15296
openWAN Interface cannot added to ntopng if offline-packet loss
Brilliant pfSense DevTeam !
In multi-WAN pfSense configuration WAN interfaces that pfSense decide in “Offline, Packet loss” state CANNOT BE ADDED into ntopng config.
(to adding certain WAN connection (for example if WAN interface come from “Offline, packet loss” state to “Online” state), ntopng need to be disabled, service stopped, ntopng pkg uninstalled (with all data and configs deleted), than hardware rebooting, install ntopng pkg again, and only after that new WAN with “Online” status becomes visible as Interface in ntopng”).
But LAN interfaces ALL would be ADDED as well even some of them are not connected physically. So this bug related only WAN interfaces.
This is related for WAN DHCP, do not know about WAN STATIC.
Updated by Sergei Shablovsky 8 months ago
Sergei Shablovsky wrote:
But LAN interfaces ALL would be ADDED as well even some of them are not connected physically. So this bug related only WAN interfaces.
Need to correct myself: NOT ALL LANs interfaces added to ntopng, ONLY 1-8 INTERFACES as described here https://serverfault.com/questions/523668/ntop-not-reporting-on-all-interfaces
Updated by Kris Phillips 7 months ago
Sergei Shablovsky wrote in #note-1:
Sergei Shablovsky wrote:
But LAN interfaces ALL would be ADDED as well even some of them are not connected physically. So this bug related only WAN interfaces.
Need to correct myself: NOT ALL LANs interfaces added to ntopng, ONLY 1-8 INTERFACES as described here https://serverfault.com/questions/523668/ntop-not-reporting-on-all-interfaces
Hello Sergei,
Have you tested this with <gateway_item> present in the config? There is a bug with OpenVPN kind of like this that is resolved by saving the gateways one at a time and ensuring they are present in the config.xml. Are these DHCP gateways or static? If they're static, this is unrelated.
Link to redmine in question: https://redmine.pfsense.org/issues/15316
Updated by Sergei Shablovsky 4 months ago
Kris Phillips wrote in #note-2:
Sergei Shablovsky wrote in #note-1:
Sergei Shablovsky wrote:
But LAN interfaces ALL would be ADDED as well even some of them are not connected physically. So this bug related only WAN interfaces.
Need to correct myself: NOT ALL LANs interfaces added to ntopng, ONLY 1-8 INTERFACES as described here https://serverfault.com/questions/523668/ntop-not-reporting-on-all-interfaces
Hello Sergei,
Have you tested this with <gateway_item> present in the config? There is a bug with OpenVPN kind of like this that is resolved by saving the gateways one at a time and ensuring they are present in the config.xml. Are these DHCP gateways or static? If they're static, this is unrelated.
Link to redmine in question: https://redmine.pfsense.org/issues/15316
PLease describe step-by-step what I need to do? Thank You!