

Kris Phillips

  • Login: kphillips
  • Registered on: 05/11/2020
  • Last connection: 12/26/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 39 113 152


Project Roles Registered on
pfSense Developer, Reporter, Netgate Developer 07/10/2024
Bootstrap Reporter 05/11/2020
pfSense Docs Developer, Reporter, Netgate Developer 05/11/2020
pfSense Packages Developer, Reporter 05/11/2020
pfSense Plus Developer, Reporter, Netgate Developer 07/10/2024



09:40 PM pfSense Bug #16049: Update nginx to 1.26.3 for CVE-2025-23419
Mike Moore wrote in #note-1:
> Will this be through the system update package OR through a firmware upgrade?
Kris Phillips
09:23 PM pfSense Bug #16049 (New): Update nginx to 1.26.3 for CVE-2025-23419
Vulnerabilities in nginx have been discovered in CVE-2025-23419. Plus 24.11 and 25.03-BETA runs 1.26.2, which is vul... Kris Phillips
09:31 PM pfSense Bug #16050 (New): Update cpu-microcode-intel to version 20250211 for multiple CVE mitigations
Multiple Intel CPU vulnerabilities have been reported here in FreeBSD:
Kris Phillips


04:58 PM pfSense Bug #15930 (New): Mobile IPsec clients can't connect after gateway failover
Kris Phillips


11:06 PM pfSense Bug #16019 (Feedback): Kea-dhcp4 can sometimes get "stuck" with multiple processes running and cause binding issues
When doing things like restarting the Kea service or switching between ISC and Kea, there is a possibility of Kea att... Kris Phillips
11:00 PM pfSense Bug #15847 (Confirmed): Kea DHCP lease utilization stats incorrect for delegated prefix pools
Tested on 24.11 and 25.03. I can confirm this behavior. The Lease Utilization section on a Delegation Prefix under ... Kris Phillips
10:57 PM pfSense Bug #16018 (Incomplete): Mysterious Entire Crash in "PFSense CE"
This looks like a file system issue. If you back up your config, reinstall on the latest firmware, and then restore ... Kris Phillips
10:53 PM pfSense Bug #16007: Dynamic DNS, Porkbun, ""
Emanuel Persson wrote in #note-2:
> API Access is enabled. But for subdomains it would work but this is a "Root doma...
Kris Phillips
05:09 PM pfSense Feature #13293: Option to set auth-gen-token in OpenVPN GUI
Bumping this.
Is this possible as an addition for 25.03? We run into this a few times a week and manually addin...
Kris Phillips


03:12 AM pfSense Feature #15984: Can we have a way to start smartd on bootup?
Moving to Feature Request, as this is not a Bug. Kris Phillips

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