Feature #15425
openAdd a description field to interfaces
Many areas of pfSense have a "Description" field that is simply for adding reference notes. This would be very useful to have on interfaces as well, for notes such as the ISP name etc. Currently we are renaming the interface to WAN1_ISP1 but this has drawbacks with things like gateway names and lack of consistency between firewalls.
Updated by Andrew Almond 8 months ago
I realized that interfaces already have a field called "Description", but it's actually more like a "Name" field, as the value entered here must conform to the naming conventions and is used in several other places, such as the names of dynamic gateway. This behavior is inconsistent with other Description fields throughout the GUI.
A true free-form field like the others that have the tooltip "A description may be entered here for reference (not parsed)." is what I'm asking for.
I don't know if would easy to rename the current "Description" field to "Name" and then add a "Description" field that's just for reference.