

Andrew Almond

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  • Registered on: 11/22/2023
  • Last connection: 06/26/2024


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Reported issues 6 5 11



04:17 PM pfSense Todo #15583: Add documentation for VPN to WAN leakage issue and recommended solution
Jim, could a link to be added to the pages htt... Andrew Almond
04:11 PM pfSense Feature #15582: Add option to automatically create rules to block VPN networks from existing via WAN interfaces
Jim, thanks for the explanation. Now, I understand the complexity of this issue better.
The simplest improvement w...
Andrew Almond


09:10 PM pfSense Feature #15582: Add option to automatically create rules to block VPN networks from existing via WAN interfaces
Ok it's great that it's already documented.
However, I've read the documentation a lot (particularly the VPN setup...
Andrew Almond
08:39 PM pfSense Feature #15582 (New): Add option to automatically create rules to block VPN networks from existing via WAN interfaces
It's a known issue that traffic intended for VPN networks can be sent out the WAN interfaces if the VPN tunnel is dow... Andrew Almond
08:43 PM pfSense Todo #15583 (Rejected): Add documentation for VPN to WAN leakage issue and recommended solution
VPN networks can be sent out the WAN interfaces if the VPN tunnel is down...
Andrew Almond


07:13 PM pfSense Packages Feature #15548 (Confirmed): Add packages for Zabbix 7.0 Agent and Proxy
Zabbix 7.0 has been released.
This might be a good opportunity to address the Za...
Andrew Almond


08:24 PM pfSense Feature #15513 (Rejected): Separate the branch settings for package and system updates
Currently, the repo branch is used for both packages and system updates. The branch must be set to match the currentl... Andrew Almond
08:07 PM pfSense Feature #15476: Allow listing and switching repo branches from the CLI
The ability to change repo branches via CLI would be very useful, as we're looking to script the upgrade process acro... Andrew Almond


03:21 PM pfSense Docs Todo #15497: Add a bit more context to Gateway monitoring Action
I agree that more details about gateway monitoring actions would be helpful.
Expanding on this, it would be helpfu...
Andrew Almond


10:10 PM pfSense Packages Feature #15498 (Rejected): Add speedtest-cli to packages
I've been using the dashboard widget created by Leon Straathof on several pfSense instances and it works great.
Andrew Almond

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