



Bug #15555


Coredumps not functional for non-root processes.

Added by Jonathan Lee 7 months ago. Updated 7 months ago.

Operating System
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Jun 12 19:02:08 kernel pid 80887 (squid), jid 0, uid 0: exited on signal 6 (no core dump - bad address)
Jun 12 19:01:48 kernel pid 33418 (squid), jid 0, uid 100: exited on signal 6 (no core dump - bad address)

and or

Jun 12 12:11:40 kernel pid 84728 (squid), jid 0, uid 100: exited on signal 6
Jun 12 12:11:40 kernel pid 84677 (squid), jid 0, uid 0: exited on signal 11

Help no coredumps files make it to var/crash folder for squid.

I am trying to pull a core dump for Squid development team however I can not generate one. I would like to bring the Squid development team into some issues however they want access to the core dumps.


I have worked with Squid Email system and FreeBSD and pfSense netgate community we have created a test file and are able to create a coredump proof that it is enabled in the pfSense software and functional.

@blackbird9 said:
OK, let's have a little sanity check.

Write this script.

$ cat
echo "PID $$ sleeping..."
sleep 1000

Make it executable then run it.

Then "kill -11 <pid>" where <pid> is the number the script printed.


$ ./
PID 148152 sleeping...

$ kill -11 148152
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

$ ls l core*
1 me me 450560 Jun 12 21:50 core

Hence, check if you can get any user process to dump a core file.

If it doesn't dump core, check your ulimit -c again.
Let's prove that your system can actually write a corefile for a process that segfaults.
It should of course write the core file to the current directory.@

This worked i have created a core dump see below however Squid does not generate one.

Shell Output - ls -l /root/sh.core
-rw------- 1 root wheel 11280384 Jun 12 14:02 /root/sh.core

I have used
killall -11 Squid
kill -11 PID for squid
kill -6 PID for squid
kill -11 squid
kill -SIGABRT squid PId

nothing is working.

I have also use the squid directive

coredump_dir /var/log/squid

nothing is generating a coredump file for Squid

Actions #1

Updated by Steve Wheeler 7 months ago

  • Project changed from pfSense Packages to pfSense
  • Subject changed from Squid Coredumps not functional to Coredumps not functional for non-root processes.
  • Category changed from Squid to Operating System
  • Release Notes set to Default

This is not a Squid specific issue. Services/processes running as non-root users fail to create a core file.

Actions #2

Updated by Jonathan Lee 7 months ago

Thanks for reviewing this.


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