

Steve Wheeler

  • Login: stephenw10
  • Registered on: 04/24/2014
  • Last connection: 06/10/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 1 32 33
Reported issues 57 279 336


Project Roles Registered on
pfSense Developer, Reporter 05/10/2018
pfSense Docs Developer, Reporter 08/09/2018
pfSense Packages Developer, Reporter 05/10/2018
pfSense Plus Developer, Reporter 01/29/2021



04:56 PM pfSense Bug #15516: Per rule byte counter values lost across a filter reload
Looks good with the patched kernel:... Steve Wheeler


01:37 PM pfSense Bug #15555: Coredumps not functional for non-root processes.
This is not a Squid specific issue. Services/processes running as non-root users fail to create a core file. Steve Wheeler


11:57 PM pfSense Packages Bug #15457 (Ready To Test): HAproxy disable zero copy forwarding
HAProxy package has been updated to 2.9.7 which includes the zero copy forwarding fix. Steve Wheeler
04:26 PM pfSense Regression #15094 (In Progress): Updates fail against an authenticated upstream proxy Steve Wheeler


02:24 PM pfSense Bug #15547 (Not a Bug): Filter rule association incorrectly displayed when editing a port forward
This is actually the expected behaviour.
The shown 'Rule NAT' is confusing if no descriptions are added. Otherwise...
Steve Wheeler
02:05 PM pfSense Bug #15547 (Not a Bug): Filter rule association incorrectly displayed when editing a port forward
When editing an existing port forward the value shown for 'Filter rule association' is 'Rule NAT' which is not valid ... Steve Wheeler


03:48 PM pfSense Packages Bug #15457: HAproxy disable zero copy forwarding
I'm not sure this kernel panic is related to the zero-copy-forwarding issue in HAProxy 2.9.1. Steve Wheeler
02:04 PM pfSense Packages Bug #15457: HAproxy disable zero copy forwarding
Backtrace:... Steve Wheeler


09:46 PM pfSense Plus Bug #15533 (New): Boot verification script over matches
The boot verification script for ZFS boot environments can over match against other processes and fail to run due to ... Steve Wheeler
09:42 PM pfSense Plus Bug #14685: Kernel panic on reroot
Since this bug is triggered by unloading the zfs module incorrectly on systems that do not require it also see: https... Steve Wheeler

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