Bug #1839
closedNo Quality RRD Graph w/ Non-Default Frequency Probe
Setting Gateway Frequency Probe (System - Routing) to a non-default value, say 10 seconds, causes the RRD Quality graph to stop populating with data.
The gateway monitor pinging still works though with the non-default frequency probe setting as expected.
LAN interface gateway monitor enable.
WAN interface gateway monitor disabled.
2.0-RC3 (i386)
built on Thu Sep 1 18:11:23 EDT 2011
Updated by NOYB NOYB over 13 years ago
RRD Graphs: Quality
Works with Probe Frequency (System - Routing) set at default (empty), 1, 2, 3, and 9 (probably 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 also).
But when Probe Frequency set at 10, the Quality graph ceases to populate with data.
Monitor pinging still occurs as expected at a 10 interval.
Changing back down to 9 and once again Quality graph gets populated with data.
LAN interface gateway monitor enabled.
WAN interface gateway monitor disabled.
2.0-RC3 (i386)
built on Fri Sep 2 14:17:09 EDT 2011
Updated by Chris Buechler over 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
I can't find any frequency that doesn't work, this has been fixed at some point in the mean time.