Bug #2018
closedLDAP browser does not work in edit authentication servers page
There is a Javascript error in the edit authentication servers page /system_authservers.php?act=edit&id=0
Here the Select button should show a popup window with suggested DNs. In my configuration the Select button does nothing which I have traced to the line:
url += '&cert=' + document.getElementById("ldap_caref").value;
in the function:
function select_clicked() {
with the error:
Cannot read property 'value' of null
I think you need to add an id attribute to the 'ldap_caref' form field in the html web interface. I fixed it by editing /usr/local/www/system_authservers.php and changing:
if ($pconfig['ldap_caref'] == $ca['refid'])
$selected = "selected";
if ($pconfig['ldap_caref'] == $ca['refid'])
$selected = "id='ldap_caref' selected";
Updated by Ermal Luçi about 13 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset f64532e5cb1a0f39c2ab84252754f5dd5967db3d.
Updated by Ermal Luçi about 13 years ago
Applied in changeset a8db73919ca72947678142249138ba6c55841c5b.
Updated by Jim Pingle over 12 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved