



Bug #2464


The traffic graph permission does not allow a user to load the graph.

Added by Jeff Shaw about 12 years ago. Updated about 12 years ago.

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I wanted a user to be allowed to view the traffic graph, so I created a user for her, and assigned her only the permission of 'Status: Traffic Graph'. She was able to log in and load the page, but instead of seeing an SVG, the box contained a copy of the enclosing page, and then it redirected her to the same page. This looped until we closed the page.

Giving her user admin privileges fixed the problem, but it's not acceptable to leave it that way.

I am running pfSense 2.0 amd64. We tried Firefox and Chrome.



Actions #1

Updated by Jim Pingle about 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

You also need to assign the permission for graph.php (the actual graph), which is "Diagnostics: Interface Traffic page" (though the name could use some clarification there...)

In the future, post questions like this to the forum first, and only open a ticket if there is a confirmed bug after discussion.

Actions #2

Updated by Jeff Shaw about 12 years ago

I would like to reopen this as a feature request, then, that Status: Traffic Graph implies Diagnostics: Interface Traffic page.

Actions #3

Updated by Jeff Shaw about 12 years ago

Actually this is becoming more complicated than I hoped. I gave the user the permission you mentioned, and now graph.php is their default page. It's impossible to navigate to the traffic page without knowing the link. Also, the graph stays empty, saying, "Cannot get data about interface ..." I'm thinking there is yet another permission that needs to be implied by the traffic page permission.

Actions #4

Updated by Jim Pingle about 12 years ago

Please use the forum to discuss such issues. If you need to start a new ticket for a new issue, that's fine, but this sort of discussion is for the forum, not the ticket system.


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