Bug #2667
closedIPv6 on VLANs broken
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Some time between September 7 and October 29 IPv6 on VLANs, maybe only in combination with lagg, has broken. The firewall itself can issue NDP requests and gets NDP entries in its cache, but never sends out any other v6 packets. Incoming NDP requests to any IP, IP alias, or CARP IP on the VLAN interface are ignored, though they are seen in tcpdump. Disabling pf doesn't change the behavior.
Updated by Chris Buechler about 12 years ago
- Subject changed from IPv6 on VLANs (possibly only in combination with lagg) broken to IPv6 on VLANs broken
changed our affected system over to not use lagg at all, and it's still broken. Only IPv6 that works is on a physical interface with no VLANs defined.
Updated by Ermal Luçi about 12 years ago
It works for me on a build on Mon Dec 10 18:06:55 EST 2012 FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE-p5.
Maybe the ipfw hooks are loaded for v6?