Feature #2965
openMac Firewalling
Is possible to Allow/Deny MAC adress like
Deny MACsrc 00:90:f5:cd:ab:1d(PC) to MACDest 00:90:f5:cd:ab:1b/Pfsense - Router)
for block MACadr to communicate with PfSense and blocking the access to internet
in http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=ipfw&apropos=0&sektion=0&manpath=FreeBSD+8.3-stable&arch=default&format=html
The Man of Freebsd 8.3 (the os version use with PfSense 2.1)
This features of MAC adresses is available
"{ MAC | mac } dst-mac src-mac
Match packets with a given dst-mac and src-mac addresses, speci-
fied as the any keyword (matching any MAC address), or six groups
of hex digits separated by colons, and optionally followed by a
mask indicating the significant bits. "
i have execute command in the shell and its works !
Its a good features
I understand that between LAN machines never go through the pfsense because the switch had the same make. But to block a mac or mac address range to leave the network by the WAN for blocking internet access, it would be great
implant in the PfSense GUI in a tab "Block Specified MAC adresse to WAN" Or in the Rule of Firewall