



Bug #3290


IPV6 conectivity not restored after cablemodem reset

Added by Jean Cyr about 11 years ago. Updated almost 9 years ago.

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Cablemodem reset causes complete loss of IPV6 conectivity.


modemreboot-20150323.log (10.1 KB) modemreboot-20150323.log Anonymous, 03/23/2015 09:23 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Jean Cyr about 11 years ago

This is a significant issue since Comcast is aggressively rolling out IPV6 support, initiating frequent late-night modem resets possibly for network reconfiguration purposes.

Actions #2

Updated by Jean Cyr about 11 years ago

Steps to reproduce

- Establish IPV6 connectivity on Comcast network.
- Cycle cablemodem power.
- Observe that IPV6 connectivity is not restored without pfSense reboot.

Actions #3

Updated by Anonymous almost 10 years ago

I had a similar issue when my modem automatically rebooted during Comcast maintenance. Two things... First, a reboot shouldn't be necessary; releasing and renewing the WAN interface worked to restore IPv6 for me.

Second, I was given a fix in the form of the Request IPv6 prefix/information through the IPv4 connectivity link in the WAN settings. While the description doesn't make it very clear, I was told that this setting will refresh IPv6 whenever IPv4 is also updated. Since both are DHCP on Comcast, whenever IPv4 is updated (once the modem is back online, IPv4 will go from a modem-assigned 192.168.100.x to a public Comcast address), IPv6 would also be updated and should be returned to a working state. I've not yet had any further maintenance since enabling that setting, and don't have the desire to take my connection down just for the sake of rebooting my modem, but it makes sense that this option should fix the issue.

You might want to try enabling that setting and then see if IPv6 is restored on a modem reboot.

Actions #4

Updated by Anonymous almost 10 years ago

An update... had some maintenance last night... while my LAN prefix appears to have been restored following everything, my WAN IPv6 address did not get renewed/updated, though the link-local gateway appears to be functioning just fine since I do have IPv6 connectivity. So I would consider that option to partially solve the issue, but there's still a piece missing to this.

Also, the version affected should be updated, as I'm running 2.2 and it happened.

Actions #5

Updated by Anonymous almost 10 years ago

Just adding that this is still an issue... modem rebooted last night, IPv6 prefix returned to my LAN (not sure if it ever left?) and the gateway returned, but my WAN interface has no IPv6 address, despite the following lines in the log file:

Mar 23 01:43:30 php-fpm[53116]: /rc.newwanip: ROUTING: setting default route to
Mar 23 01:43:31 rtsold: Recieved RA specifying route fe80::201:5cff:fe32:e041 for interface wan(re0)
Mar 23 01:43:31 rtsold: Starting dhcp6 client for interface wan(re0)

IPv6 routing is occurring - I can access outside IPv6 hosts from my LAN devices - but pfSense WAN interface has no IPv6 address identified in the dashboard. I'm now running 2.2.1... the version still needs to be updated on this issue.

Full system log file during/following the modem reboot is attached.

Actions #6

Updated by Chris Buechler almost 9 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Duplicate

the link up dhcp6c issue was fixed in another ticket covering same issue


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