Feature #3426
closedNanoBSD shorter F1 boot prompt display
The boot process of pfSense-2.1.1-PRERELEASE-4g-amd64-nanobsd_vga-20140131-1030.img is approximately delayed by 12 seconds due to the "F1 pfSense F2 pfSense F5 Drive 1 F6 PXE" boot prompt.
Currently commands like "boot0cfg -t 1", "boot0cfg -t 1 da0" or "boot0cfg -t 1/dev/da0" fail with "/usr/sbin/boot0cfg: Device not configured." or "/usr/sbin/boot0cfg: Input/output error."
Please shorten this boot prompt timeout, or allow a user setting a shorter boot prompt timeout value.
Updated by Max Mustermann about 11 years ago
In pfsense-tools / builder_scripts / builder_common.sh, line #2202
seems the candidate for a change. Insert: "-t 2
boot0cfg -B -t 2 -b ${CLONEDIR}/${NANO_BOOTLOADER} ${NANO_BOOT0CFG} ${MD}
Updated by Chris Buechler about 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Target version set to 2.3
-t is for ticks, of which there are about 18.2 per second, so '-t 2' would be way too short. changed this to roughly cut the delay in half with '-t 100'