Bug #426
closedDNS server list not overriden by DHCP/PPP on WAN with PPPoE
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I'm using PPPoE on WAN and the only way to get access to the ISP DNS servers is by setting the servers manually on the General Setup page
PPP doesn't update the DNS server list
Updated by Ermal Luçi almost 15 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
Please update to newer snapshot and tell me if your logs containing entries:
rc.newwanip: Informational is starting $interface.
Than rc.newwanip with inteface/ip info.
Updated by João Seabra almost 15 years ago
I still need to add NS.This is what shows up in the logs:
Mar 17 14:39:29 dnsmasq21922: using nameserver
Mar 17 14:39:29 dnsmasq21922: using nameserver
Mar 17 14:39:29 dnsmasq21922: reading /etc/resolv.conf
Mar 17 14:38:25 check_reload_status: updating dyndns
Mar 17 14:38:25 check_reload_status: rc.newwanip starting
I also need to go and add a default route to WAN otherwise it won't work.
Using 17/03/2010 snapshot