



Feature #4503


GNUGateKeeper H.323 Proxy Package

Added by Aleksei Aksenov almost 10 years ago. Updated over 5 years ago.

New Package Request
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There is a need to add support for NAT forwarding protocol H323.
Ready to sponsor this direction. The task is very urgent.


123.JPG (103 KB) 123.JPG GNUGK work Aleksei Aksenov, 04/24/2015 09:33 AM
gnugk-3.8-freebsd-10.1-32.txz.jpg (1.95 MB) gnugk-3.8-freebsd-10.1-32.txz.jpg Aleksei Aksenov, 05/19/2015 02:55 AM
Actions #1

Updated by Aleksei Aksenov over 9 years ago

Hi All! Ports found to solve this problem, it is best suited h323plus-1.26.5_2 .
How to perform the installation in PFSENSE?
It is necessary to support port forwarding protocol H323

Actions #2

Updated by Kill Bill over 9 years ago

Huh? Why would you install it on pfSense? These libraries will do absolutely nothing useful on your firewall.

Actions #3

Updated by Aleksei Aksenov over 9 years ago

If I understand you correctly, the port does not add to the possibility of forwarding protocol h323 through NAT?
How to solve this problem?
Need something like: nf_nat_h323, nf_conntrack_h323, nf_conntrack_sip, nf_nat_sip (The names of these modules from Linux)

Actions #4

Updated by Kill Bill over 9 years ago

Not on firewall, no. Though it implements features that can be make the H.323 apps using h323plus more tolerant of firewall/NAT, see

Actions #5

Updated by Aleksei Aksenov over 9 years ago

Thank you for your attention! I think you need to perform a test of the software! Maybe everything will work! How to make the installation process?

Actions #6

Updated by Aleksei Aksenov over 9 years ago

Sorry for my English! I think I need to perform a test of the software!

Actions #7

Updated by Aleksei Aksenov over 9 years ago

Aleksei Aksenov wrote:

There is a need to add support for NAT forwarding protocol H323.
Ready to sponsor this direction. The task is very urgent.

Actions #8

Updated by Aleksei Aksenov over 9 years ago

I installed this package openh323- . PFsense 2.1.5 i386.
pkg_add -r
But there is no result for port forwarding is not enabled.
Now, leaving aside GNU Gatekeeper, in his description of specified property
-support for NAT traversal (H.460.17, H.460.18, H.460.19, H.460.23 and H.460.24)
-full H.323 proxy
I look forward to a successful outcome...

Actions #9

Updated by Aleksei Aksenov over 9 years ago

pkg_add -r
And profit! This packets Work!
But I do not know how to configure it on!

Actions #10

Updated by Aleksei Aksenov over 9 years ago

I very much hope that this problem will be solved in version 2.2.3.

Actions #11

Updated by Aleksei Aksenov over 9 years ago

Maybe somebody can make a package for web interface on base gatekeeper? I am ready to sponsor this direction, I want that all the needs of pfsense could decide!

Actions #12

Updated by Aleksei Aksenov over 9 years ago

Now set PFSense 2.2.2 x32 and for him, set GNUGateKeeper ver. 3.8. Now I am engaged with the settings for simple operation, call forwarding protocol H323 for the client on the local network .... I hope I get ....

Actions #13

Updated by Aleksei Aksenov over 9 years ago

I did it! H323 now WORK!!!
If somebody would undertake make package with web interface for PFssense it would be great!

Actions #15

Updated by Aleksei Aksenov over 9 years ago

This packages for install

Actions #16

Updated by Jim Pingle over 5 years ago

  • Project changed from pfSense to pfSense Packages
  • Subject changed from NAT support H.323 to GNUGateKeeper H.323 Proxy Package
  • Category set to New Package Request

If someone wants to package that up properly and submit a PR, we can consider it for inclusion as a package.

Actions #17

Updated by Aleksei Aksenov over 5 years ago

Jim Pingle, this is very good news, I'm really looking forward to this package, but I'm not sure that this package previously downloaded will match the current version.

Actions #18

Updated by Wesley Lucio dos Santos over 5 years ago

Hi guys!
I recently had the case of using a VSX 7000 polycom videoconferencing that necessarily uses the H323 or H460 NAT protocol, but could not configure this polycom using the H323 protocol, I think it could be improved and would greatly help all pfsense administrators worldwide. . . . I really don't know if the H323 forwarding issue is polycom or pfsense that has trouble translating this protocol.

Actions #19

Updated by Aleksei Aksenov over 5 years ago

I solved the problem with polycom videoconferencing, by installing this package, but it was on the old version. Of course it is very necessary to make this package relevant and add to the repository


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