Feature #4899
openAdditional BOOTP/DHCP Options should allow a force option
One use case is for pxelinux with options 208,209,210.
The client will not request these options so it must be forced to do so.
It appears that "append dhcp-parameter-request-list" does not work as expected and apparently only sends the numbers listed.
I have found mention to "option dhcp-parameter-request-list = concat(option dhcp-parameter-request-list,d0,d1,d2,d3);" working.
I haven't be able to test it yet.
The required process would involve editing
on 2.2.3-RELEASE
changes should be made around line 1134
on 2.2.3-RELEASE
the required changes should be made somewhere around lines 822 - 832 if append will work
else around lines 858 maybe for the concat option one?
Hopefully this can be of help.
Updated by Jeremy Reben over 9 years ago
- File services.inc.patch services.inc.patch added
This is a RELENG_2_2 patch for /etc/inc/services.inc with a safe workaround for PXElinux.
It would be better to just provide force options from GUI and in the long term allow force per vendor class or something. Who knows.
In any case could be useful to someone having trouble with pxe boot using pfsense as their dhcp server.
Updated by Charles Taylor about 7 years ago
Moving this feature request back to the top of the stack. The creator did all the leg work to implement this, why not take 5 seconds and merge it into testing??
Updated by Anonymous about 7 years ago
Code for consideration should be submitted as a Github pull request.