



Bug #4962


firewall_shaper_vinterface.php issues

Added by Chris Buechler almost 9 years ago. Updated almost 9 years ago.

Target version:
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1) When adding a new limiter, the Name field is pre-populated with "new" where it should just be blank.

2) the IPv4 and IPv6 mask bits boxes should be disabled where mask is "none"

3) The new limiter screen has no bandwidth box listed, have to click "Add another schedule" to configure anything. It should show one box to start. (this part isn't a regression, but the "add a new schedule" part makes it more confusing than it was before with just a +).

4) bw type field is cut off, have to click the drop down to see full value.

5) schedule box cuts off most of the name of the schedule, or "none."

6) the "Disable limiter" button is actually the delete button, should be labeled as such.

7) upon editing an existing limiter, it fills in "0" for the delay field. That's the default, should just be left blank. It also prohibits saving the field, with "Value must be greater than or equal to 1".

8) "mS" should be "ms"

Actions #1

Updated by Anonymous almost 9 years ago

  • Status changed from Confirmed to Feedback
  • Assignee set to Chris Buechler

1) Existing code displays "new". Please confirm this should be removed.

2) Javascript added to disable ports as required

3) Automatically adds bw row if none exists

4) Revised column widths

5) Revised column widths

6) Button re-labled

7) Delay field is now a text field and defaults to null if no delay specified

8) Fixed

Actions #2

Updated by Chris Buechler almost 9 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved

much better, all fixed.

The "new" name on a new one is the existing behavior. Though it could be removed so it's blank, and is consistent with behavior in other portions, it's fine as is.


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