Feature #5533
closedCARP /31 support
Hi, we encountered problem when we configured an /31 IP CARP address, but it usually used for Router Interconnections.
In this configuration, there isn't network or broadcast ip address, so I have edited the firewall_virtual_ip_edit.php :
/* ipalias and carp should not use network or broadcast address */
if ($_POST['mode'] "ipalias" || $_POST['mode'] "carp") {
if (is_ipaddrv4($_POST['subnet']) && $_POST['subnet_bits'] != "32" && $_POST['subnet_bits'] != "31") {
$network_addr = gen_subnet($_POST['subnet'], $_POST['subnet_bits']);
$broadcast_addr = gen_subnet_max($_POST['subnet'], $_POST['subnet_bits']);
} else if (is_ipaddrv6($_POST['subnet']) && $_POST['subnet_bits'] != "128" ) {
$network_addr = gen_subnetv6($_POST['subnet'], $_POST['subnet_bits']);
$broadcast_addr = gen_subnetv6_max($_POST['subnet'], $_POST['subnet_bits']);
if (isset($network_addr) && $_POST['subnet'] == $network_addr)
$input_errors[] = gettext("You cannot use the network address for this VIP");
else if (isset($broadcast_addr) && $_POST['subnet'] == $broadcast_addr)
$input_errors[] = gettext("You cannot use the broadcast address for this VIP");
Is it possible to integer this modification for the newers releases please?
Updated by Chris Buechler about 9 years ago
- Tracker changed from Bug to Feature
- Subject changed from Carp IP address /31 to CARP /31 support
Olivier: is this working reliably for you? Doubt that's a circumstance many, if any, have tried with CARP.
Updated by Olivier GUENET about 9 years ago
Yes, it's working reliable for us. Il fact, only GUI blocked me for configure /31 CARP IP Address, because it is supported by FreeBSD and it's works fine when it was configured for two months.
The /31 subnet is used for BGP Interconnection with Transit operators which can only give us a /31 IP Address as specified in the RFC 3021.
Updated by Chris Buechler about 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee set to Chris Buechler
- Target version set to 2.3
that does work fine. Pushed change to allow this.
Thanks for the report, Olivier!