Feature #7956
openFavicon able to match GUI colour setting?
I'm finding that with multiple pfSense routers in use, choosing the right tab in the browser would be a lot easier if the favicon could vary between routers.
I'm colour coding the GUIs so that by their style, I know for sure which router I'm working on and avoid mistakes. But a clearer tab indication would be very helpful. As such, I've been using a modden favicon for some time, it really helps and perhaps now colour is in the GUI, this could be, as well.
What I'm thinking is that in 2.4, a user can choose their GUI colour. Perhaps we could have an option to "set browser icon colour to match GUI colour"? So one router has a red GUI, another a grey GUI, the favicons match, and spotting which is which among multiple open tabs on multiple routers is suddenly so much easier - no need to read the title to know which router you're seeing or selecting. Should be as simple as switching one in from a choice of favicons for that installation.
Updated by Stilez y about 7 years ago
- File favicon-16x16-grey.png favicon-16x16-grey.png added
- File favicon-16x16-red.png favicon-16x16-red.png added
- File favicon-32x32-grey.png favicon-32x32-grey.png added
- File favicon-32x32-red.png favicon-32x32-red.png added
- File favicon-grey.ico favicon-grey.ico added
- File favicon-red.ico favicon-red.ico added
Sample favicons attached