



Bug #8226


Pass-through MAC automatic additions adds duplicate

Added by Sander Naudts about 7 years ago. Updated over 6 years ago.

Captive Portal
Target version:
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When a user has multiple browser tabs open before logging into the captive portal. Each 'll show the captive portal login page. If a user then logs on to the captive portal in tab1 and then again in tab2 (or more tabs) the mac entry is added multiple times.

There should be a check to see if the mac is already on the MACs list instead of creating a duplicate entry.

At the moment it does this:

Pass    b4:9c:df:9b:5b:d3    Auto-added for user VHV     
Pass b4:9c:df:9b:5b:d3 Auto-added for user VHV
Pass 48:51:b7:33:fc:2a Auto-added for user adb
Pass 48:51:b7:33:fc:2a Auto-added for user adb
Pass 48:4b:aa:d4:72:1f Auto-added for user Vanpoppels
Pass 48:4b:aa:d4:72:1f Auto-added for user Vanpoppels
Pass f4:42:8f:76:89:8f Auto-added for user boshoffm2
Pass 2c:f0:ee:3f:74:60 Auto-added for user vic
Pass 2c:f0:ee:3f:74:60 Auto-added for user vic
Pass a4:e9:75:62:af:b7 Auto-added for user Vho
Pass a4:e9:75:62:af:b7 Auto-added for user Vho
Pass a4:e9:75:62:af:b7 Auto-added for user Vho
Pass 48:5a:b6:5c:b5:55 Auto-added for user cov
Pass 48:5a:b6:5c:b5:55 Auto-added for user cov
Actions #1

Updated by Anonymous almost 7 years ago

  • Assignee set to Anonymous
Actions #2

Updated by Anonymous almost 7 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback

Could we get more details on how to reproduce this? I do not see duplicate entries when logging in from different tabs. The GUI only shows the first successful login and when I look at the system logs for captive portal I see this:
I am using the latest development snapshot 2.4.3

Feb 1 21:23:53 logportalauth 24803 Zone: myzone - LOGIN: usera, b3:50:56:c0:a7:01,
Feb 1 21:23:53 logportalauth 24803 Zone: myzone - CONCURRENT LOGIN - REUSING OLD SESSION: usera, b3:50:56:c0:a7:01,
Feb 1 21:24:03 logportalauth 24803 Zone: myzone - LOGIN: userb, b3:50:56:c0:a7:01,
Feb 1 21:24:03 logportalauth 24803 Zone: myzone - CONCURRENT LOGIN - REUSING OLD SESSION: usera, b3:50:56:c0:a7:01,
Feb 1 21:24:19 logportalauth 24803 Zone: myzone - LOGIN: userb, b3:50:56:c0:a7:01,
Feb 1 21:24:19 logportalauth 24803 Zone: myzone - CONCURRENT LOGIN - REUSING OLD SESSION: usera, b3:50:56:c0:a7:01,

Actions #3

Updated by Anonymous almost 7 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Assigned

Disregard that last message I was able to reproduce it.

Actions #4

Updated by Anonymous almost 7 years ago

  • Status changed from Assigned to Feedback
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100
Actions #5

Updated by Sander Naudts almost 7 years ago

Its indeed solved. Thanks for the quick fix.

Actions #6

Updated by Anonymous almost 7 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
Actions #7

Updated by Markus Golser over 6 years ago

I'm running the latest pfsense version for PCEngines_APU-45 "2.3.5-RELEASE-p1" can we get this backported please?


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