Bug #8265
closedRelayd port range (alias) not working
i just configured a load balancer via relayd and used a port range which i defined via the firewall - alias tab. Dashboard shows me that all backends are down and Server "Unknown - relayd not running?".
The config pfsense generates is the following:
redirect "test_30000_32767" { listen on port 30000:32767 forward to <test-pool> port 30000 check icmp } Firewall rules are set, but i can't connect to the backend pool. It even doesn't work if i configure just two ports (for example 80,443) in my port alias. I'm running pfsense 2.4.2-RELEASE-p1 (amd64).
Updated by Jim Pingle almost 7 years ago
relayd does not support port ranges, only single ports, but there isn't any input validation that checks for that invalid case to alert the user.
So the problem can't be fixed, but the error condition could be prevented by letting the user know it isn't valid and avoiding putting invalid entries into the relayd.conf file.
Updated by Kilian Ries almost 7 years ago
Tanks for the explanation. That is a good idea, because in the gui it says "A port alias listed in Firewall -> Aliases may also be specified here." and that can be misunderstood.
Updated by Jim Pingle over 5 years ago
- Category set to Load Balancer
- Status changed from New to Closed
The relayd Load Balancer has been deprecated and removed from 2.5.0