Bug #8800
closedInterface group member cannot be deleted, after it's been disabled
On 2.4.4.a.20180817.2020, make a VLAN, assign it as an interface, add the interface to a interface group. Edit the interface and disable it. From the Interfaces page, try and delete it. You will receive the following error:
The following input errors were detected: The interface is part of a group. Please remove it from the group to continue
Then visit the Interface group the interface was added to and see (shown in the attached screenshot) that the interface (OPT1 in this case) is no longer listed as an interface group member, despite Interfaces > Interface Groups showing OPT1, OPT2 (shown in the attached screenshot).
If you click edit on the interface group, and then only click save, then go to Interfaces, the interface can be deleted.
Updated by Anonymous about 6 years ago
- File 18-08-2018_00_44_40.png 18-08-2018_00_44_40.png added
- File 18-08-2018_00_44_47.png 18-08-2018_00_44_47.png added
Updated by Anonymous about 6 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Feedback
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset 7dc56c76972cc3d7834572c9d676e3f729f45ad6.
Updated by Anonymous about 6 years ago
On 2.4.4.a.20180823.0720, the disabled interface is still shown in the interface group, rather than removed.