



Bug #996


DHCP address not pulled with spoofed MAC address on WAN

Added by Ron Rosen about 14 years ago. Updated about 14 years ago.

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Replaced production router ("old router") with pfSense 2.0BETA4 router ("test router" - 02-Nov-2010 snapshot) on broadband connection - FIOS, as it happens. No DHCP lease was issued since ISP only issues one DHCP lease per port.

Spoofed old router’s WAN MAC address with test router’s WAN connection, then forced a DHCP renew from the Interface Status page. This should have resulted in a DHCP address being issued. Observed result was that ISP would issue a DHCP address, test router would process it, but then revert to “unassigned” status.

Cleared spoofed MAC address from test router’s WAN connection, which does not result in MAC address being reset to native hardware value (see point “l” in [[,25342.msg131434.html#msg131434]] for additional information). After applying this setting, DHCP address is successfully pulled.

Actions #1

Updated by Chris Buechler about 14 years ago

  • Category set to Interfaces
  • Target version set to 2.0
  • Affected Version set to 2.0
Actions #2

Updated by Ermal Luçi about 14 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback

DHCP on spoofed mac address is fixed on latest snapshots.
The restore of mac address needs more work not sure if it really should be done for 2.0.

Actions #3

Updated by c c about 14 years ago

Just tested on Pfsense 2.0BETA4 (built on Fri Nov 12 19:00:39 EST 2010), appears to work (running from Virtualbox with a bridged NIC on WAN)

1) Switched WAN interface to dynamic.
2) Clicked "insert interface MAC", then changed a few of the digits randomly
3) Saved, and reloaded config
4) Went to Interface Status page and released IP
5) renewed IP
6) Successfully pulled and retained an IP.

Actions #4

Updated by c c about 14 years ago

Just tested on Pfsense 2.0BETA4 (built on Fri Nov 12 19:00:39 EST 2010), appears to work (running from Virtualbox with a bridged NIC on WAN)

1) Switched WAN interface to dynamic.
2) Clicked "insert interface MAC", then changed a few of the digits randomly
3) Saved, and reloaded config
4) Went to Interface Status page and released IP
5) renewed IP
6) Successfully pulled and retained an IP.

Actions #5

Updated by c c about 14 years ago

Just tested on Pfsense 2.0BETA4 (built on Fri Nov 12 19:00:39 EST 2010), appears to work (running from Virtualbox with a bridged NIC on WAN)

1) Switched WAN interface to dynamic.
2) Clicked "insert interface MAC", then changed a few of the digits randomly
3) Saved, and reloaded config
4) Went to Interface Status page and released IP
5) renewed IP
6) Successfully pulled and retained an IP.

Actions #6

Updated by Chris Buechler about 14 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved

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