Bug #9979
closedstatus_ipsec.php missing information
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status_ipsec.php is missing some available information. It's in the IPsec status we receive from strongSwan, but not printed in the page.
For example:
- Rekey timer (only reauth is printed)
- Encryption algorithm key size (if present)
- IKE initiator and responder SPIs
- Local and remote ports (e.g. 500 vs 4500)
Also some values are printed with labels but the labels are not distinguished, which can make them more difficult to read.
Updated by Jim Pingle about 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset 8af4e81eb530af959e43cfa1afcc6446a7969b28.
Updated by Viktor Gurov about 5 years ago
tested on pfSense 2.5.0.a.20191220.0438
Rekey timer (only reauth is printed) - ok
Encryption algorithm key size (if present) - ok
IKE initiator and responder SPIs - ok
Local and remote ports (e.g. 500 vs 4500) - ok
Updated by Jim Pingle about 5 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Resolved