


Bug #12920

Updated by Marcos M over 2 years ago

The gateway status and @dpinger@ behave differently when the respective gateway entry does not exist in the @config.xml@ file. This behavior difference results in failure to fail back after WAN failover. 

 * Bounce interface physically and with @ifconfig@. 
 * @no gw@ = no gateway entry in config.xml 
 * @gw@ = gateway entry exists in config.xml 

 h3. Netgate 5100 

 @ifconfig@ produced same results. 
             unplug cable                              plug cable 
             gateway status           |     dpinger status        gateway status           |     dpinger status 
 22.01 no gw missing               RUNNING               ONLINE                RUNNING 
 22.01 gw      pending               stopped               pending               stopped 

 22.05 no gw missing               stopped               ONLINE                RUNNING 
 22.05 gw      pending               stopped               ONLINE                RUNNING 

 h3. Netgate 1100 

             unplug cable                              plug cable 
             gateway status           |     dpinger status        gateway status           |     dpinger status 
 22.01 no gw missing               RUNNING               ONLINE                RUNNING 
 22.01 gw      pending               stopped               pending               stopped 

 22.05 no gw missing               stopped               ONLINE                RUNNING 
 22.05 gw      pending               stopped               ONLINE                RUNNING 

             ifconfig down                             ifconfig up 
             gateway status           |     dpinger status        gateway status           |     dpinger status 
 22.01 no gw offline               RUNNING               ONLINE                RUNNING 
 22.01 gw      offline               RUNNING               ONLINE                RUNNING 

 22.05 no gw offline               RUNNING               ONLINE                RUNNING 
 22.05 gw      offline               RUNNING               ONLINE                RUNNING 

 A missing gateway can have other undesired behavior: 
 * The @Automatic@ default gateway detection will choose disabled gateways over an enabled and online gateway which has the missing config.xml entry. 
 * @dpinger@ will not start and the gateway status will remain pending after releasing/renewing the WAN DHCP lease.
