


Regression #13418

Updated by Marcos M almost 2 years ago

 * pfSense+ 22.05 
 * Configure 22.05, Captive Portal on VLAN interface 
 * VLan, FreeRadius authentication, Reauthenticate connected users every minute, Use FreeRADIUS auth backend 
 * Check @Reauthenticate Users@, @Session timeout@, @Traffic quota@, @Per-user bandwidth restrictions@ 
 * Enable @Send RADIUS Session-Timeout attribute, Use RADIUS pfSense-Max-Total-Octets attribute, Use RADIUS pfSense-Bandwidth-Max-Up and pfSense-Bandwidth-Max-Down attributes, Send RADIUS accounting packets@, select @Stop/Start (FreeRADIUS)@ packets, Stop/Start (FreeRADIUS) or @Interim@ 

 * Interim.    Packets are sent, Bandwidth working, Authentication log shows authentication valid every minute, used-octects remain at 0 bytes or stays at pre-upgrade value in @/var/log/radacct/datacounter/forever@, /var/log/radacct/datacounter/forever and 0 bytes incremented on quota in authentication log every minute 
 * minute, FreeRadius log updates "connect time" connect time correctly but all data values are 0.    Worked fine in 22.02.    Lab tested 2.60->22.02, patch 12384, restore, test OK, 22.02->22.05, restore same backup, test failed.    No other changes.    I also confirmed it displays the same symptoms in 2.7. 

 * Working Patch 12384 required on 22.01 22.02 for VLan portal to function at all.    Without it, bandwidth settings are ignored as are Allowed Hosts with patch 12384 
 * Broken on 22.05 
 * Broken on 2.7 
 same Captive Portal configuration as above.    Similar issue related to accounting packets??? 
