Feature #15550
Updated by Jim Pingle 6 months ago
If I type from cli: <pre><code class="shell"> easyrule block wan Kids_Devices Tried to block invalid address: Kids_Devices </code></pre> The "eaysrule docs":https://docs.netgate.com/pfsense/en/latest/firewall/easyrule.html [[docs]https://docs.netgate.com/pfsense/en/latest/firewall/easyrule.html] claim: The source of traffic to block. Can be an IPv4/IPv6 address, subnet, alias name, or special network name such as any, pppoe or l2tp. The GUI code seems to only allow IP's and subnets. <pre><code class="php"> function easyrule_parse_block($int, $src) { if (!empty($src) && !empty($int)) { $src = trim($src, "[]"); if (!is_ipaddr($src) && !is_subnet($src)) { return gettext("Tried to block invalid address:") . ' ' . htmlspecialchars($src); } $int = easyrule_find_rule_interface($int); if ($int === false) { return gettext("Invalid interface for block rule."); } switch ((string)easyrule_block_host_add($src, $int)) { case "exists": return gettext("Block entry already exists."); break; case "invalid": return gettext("Invalid address."); break; case "1": return gettext("Block added successfully"); break; case "": default: return gettext("Failed to create block rule, alias, or add entry."); break; } } else { return gettext("Tried to block but had no address or interface"); } return gettext("Unknown block error."); } </code></pre>