

Bennett Feitell

  • Login: bfeitell
  • Registered on: 10/02/2018
  • Last connection: 10/02/2018


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03:21 PM pfSense Bug #8507: FreeBSD 11.2-BETA dhclient always uses server MTU value
I suspect that might be happening to people. Thank you for being so attentive on this. Bennett Feitell
03:15 PM pfSense Bug #8507: FreeBSD 11.2-BETA dhclient always uses server MTU value
Is it possible that just toggling the visibility of the advanced settings box to on and then saving and applying woul... Bennett Feitell
03:02 PM pfSense Bug #8507: FreeBSD 11.2-BETA dhclient always uses server MTU value
So a setting to reject leases from the cable modem itself in *DHCP Client Configuration* might cause this too, as wou... Bennett Feitell
02:47 PM pfSense Bug #8507: FreeBSD 11.2-BETA dhclient always uses server MTU value
Got it, thank you.
By advanced DHCP client options, do you mean specifying an MTU for the interface? If that wo...
Bennett Feitell
02:42 PM pfSense Bug #8507: FreeBSD 11.2-BETA dhclient always uses server MTU value
I think I see a typo in your diff. "tsupersede". Bennett Feitell
02:40 PM pfSense Bug #8507: FreeBSD 11.2-BETA dhclient always uses server MTU value
My copy of /etc/inc/ matches, and contains the line. Bennett Feitell
02:36 PM pfSense Bug #8507: FreeBSD 11.2-BETA dhclient always uses server MTU value
I suspect that a prior hard setting of MTU on the interface may be interfering with the propagation of the fix in dhc... Bennett Feitell
02:25 PM pfSense Bug #8507: FreeBSD 11.2-BETA dhclient always uses server MTU value
All I know is that I needed to affirmatively set "supersede interface-mtu 0" in the option modifiers for the WAN conf... Bennett Feitell
02:05 PM pfSense Bug #8507: FreeBSD 11.2-BETA dhclient always uses server MTU value
This is still causing problems in pfSense 2.4.4-RELEASE.
I believe that the upstream patches to FreeBSD introduce ...
Bennett Feitell

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