

Paul Sadauskas

  • Login: psadauskas
  • Registered on: 06/10/2019
  • Last connection: 06/10/2019


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Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 1 1



03:37 PM pfSense Revision 88a41391: Fix handing of DNSimple API response
It seems DNSimple started using HTTP/2, which broke the regex the dnsimple updater was using to check for success. I ... Paul Sadauskas


05:38 PM pfSense Revision 6c7d0571: Fix handing of DNSimple API response
It seems DNSimple started using HTTP/2, which broke the regex the dnsimple updater was using to check for success. I ... Paul Sadauskas
12:30 PM pfSense Bug #9580 (Resolved): Dynamic DNS DNSimple client errors
It seems DNSimple recently updated their web server to use HTTP/2 for their API. The curl response handling code in t... Paul Sadauskas

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